Cincinnati Family Law & Divorce Blog: Who Has The Right to Remain in the Marital Home?

In nearly all divorce cases, the question of what to do with the marital home will arise at some point. In some cases it is easy, neither party wants to stay and the home is sold, or only one party wants to stay and that person keeps the residence. But what about the cases where both parties want to stay in the marital home? How does the court decide? There are several factors that may come into consideration.   Can you refinance? Often times, the mortgage on the marital home is in both parties’ names. This means that the party who wishes to stay in the home will typically need to prove that he or she has the present ability to refinance the loan into his or her own name. Refinances are usually required for two primary reasons; (1) the court favors financial disentanglement of parties to divorce cases, and (2) it...