Below, you will find information that may be helpful as you begin thinking about representation and your current circumstances. Requested documents differ from case to case but below you will find an overview of the information we will likely request.
Before our first meeting, it is helpful if you compile as many of the items from the “Documentation Needed List” as possible. This will help facilitate the information gathering process.
We understand that divorce can be a confusing and overwhelming time in one’s life. You may find that familiarizing yourself with the basics of divorce law will make you feel more confident and equipped to navigate this time.
When parties agree to work collaboratively, a contract is signed by the parties, both attorneys and any other collaborative professionals. This contract identifies the important details of what collaboration means. A copy of the collaborative contract can be found here. A graph showing the steps of the collaborative process can be found here.
As a firm, we have had the great pleasure of working with some divorcing couples who have worked tirelessly to forge a strong and successful co-parenting relationship. We’ve seen many things work very well for parents, so we’d like to share the most helpful advice with parents in need.
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525 Vine Street, Suite 1710, Cincinnati, OH 45202
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